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Updated: Nov 4, 2019

Robin Dunbar, evolutionary psychologist at University of Oxford

has kindly written the first cover blurb for Growing Young. Here it goes:

“Friendship is the most important journey we ever venture on. Read Marta Zaraska’s Growing Young and find out why.”

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The French president Macron has just announced a plan to open 1000 new cafes in rural areas of France, an idea set to boost local economies. Small town mayors can apply if their town/village has fewer than 3,500 residents, and no café.

But there can be a surprising side effect -- studies show that strong communities and social networks can lower mortality risk even by 45 percent. Will the new cafes make French people healthier, even if just a tiny bit? I bet they will! #longevity #France #cafe

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After a year and a half of writing, I've finally submitted the last edits

-- and 103 pages of footnotes -- to my editor at Penguin Random House. Time to celebrate :)

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